Culorile par mai vii atunci cand formele ce le acopera sunt geometrice.Arta moderna prin artisti precum Picasso,Kandiski,Klee,Braque descoperea aceasta relatie plastica dintre cromatism si geometrism.
Asemenea structuri ca in imagine, te duc cu gandul la ceva cosmic,cred defapt ca in fiecare dintre noi exista o fascinatie pentru asemenea forme,structuri ce se dezvolta in spirit sferic sau stelar.E nevoie doar de exercitiul contemplarii pentru a descoperi frumusetea si poetica geometriei,insa si mai relevant poate fi exercitiul insine de constructie in acest domeniu denumit origami modular-geometric.
Observatie:Designul ambiental de astazi se bazeaza in general pe principiile artei moderne experimentate si fundamentate mai intai in pictura si sculptura.
That's my dream!!!
RăspundețiȘtergereMade in my room a side with all my kusudamas!
Amazing work!!!
Thanks Marcella!It is a way to enjoy about your work!
ȘtergereHi, Modart
RăspundețiȘtergereRomán Díaz is very good and his sheep (Oveja) is really very simple and beautiful. When I saw it in the magazine I storaged it too, for a next time.
Your stellated icosidodecahedron is very, very, very cool :)
May I put it in my blog with a link to your post?
I would like to show the possibilities of the model that my friend showed me.
Of course Edi...about it I don't know if is correctly named stellated icosidodecahedron?! units make an icosidodecahedron (60 units) and from the angles of each pentagon(12) are connected 5 units(yellow) that form the top of a piramid(this is the rule of construction) are necessary 60 + 5X12=120 units!I used 9 cm for squares modules.
RăspundețiȘtergereFirst start with a pentagon with the five star piramid,than make the triangles on each lateral of the pentagon,etc,etc
PS: Yes, Roman Diaz is one of the greatest! Very appreciate his works !
Now I observed...if you look at yellow part ,it is an icosahedron!!!And each triangle surface is divided in four small triangles!!!At center are green triangles! This is another rule of it is just an icosahedron with diveded surfaces!!!
RăspundețiȘtergereHi, Modart.
RăspundețiȘtergereI posted it in my blog.
About your conclusions, I think that they are the reasons because the polyhedron is named: Compound of dodecahedron and icosahedron ( ) or First stellation of icosidodecahedron ( ).
But in your origami, you stealed only the pentagons, but not the triangles :)
Then I named "icosahedron stealled only in pentagons" :)
But its is very beaultiful ... It is only that is important!
I forgot a thing:
RăspundețiȘtergereI posted in
Exactlly as you said,the triangles of icosidodecahedron are not stellated!
RăspundețiȘtergereFollowing the planes is evidentlly an icosahedron,but with divided surfaces.In this case, I don't know mathematic what is the corect name.Thanks for information and some observations.