
vineri, 17 iunie 2011

Wonderful Kusudama Idea:Icosidodecahedron with carambola flower

  • 20 units for  icosidodecahedron( squares 14x14 cm)
  • 12 carambola flower model by Carmen Sprung(pentagons from squares 18,5 x18,5 cm)
  • 20 triangles in another colour(l =7cm)for to evidence the pentagons with flower relief.This contrast is esential for effect!
Merita incercat!,in realitate arata chiar si mai bine decat in aceste imagini foto!

It worths to try one!in reality looks even better than in these photo-images!

Mention:Another beautiful version would be certainly with  the flowers in the same colour as the triangles colour!
Mentiune:O alta versiune atractiva ar fi desigur cu flori in aceeasi culoare ca cea a suprafetelor triunghiulare!

4 comentarii:

  1. Our beautiful and your blog is your origami is perfect congratulations, I'll add you on my list of blogs, I will make a short visit will be very happy
    Kisses in your heart.

  2. Thanks Detynha...for your words although the first part , used probably the google translation,that's funny sometime !!!
    However I understood your message in ansamble,I will see on your blog too.

    Best wishes!

  3. Multumesc Meg de apreciere,cred ca ai vrut sa postezi aceste cuvinte la articolul "galerie kusudama ornaments"...mi se intampla si mie deseori acest fapt!
