Orice modul utilizat in constructia unui poliedru stelat ,poate fi transformat intr-un modul necesar de a alcatui un star tridimensional fara a utiliza adeziv!!!
Ma mir ca acest fapt nu a fost remarcat mai demult!
Este vorba pur si simplu de o anumita aplicatie matematica urmata de o anumita metodologie de lucru pe care am incercat zilele acestea sa o pun la punct cat mai amanuntit.
In acest articol sunt prezentate cateva asemenea transformari utilizand diverse module utilizate in constructia poliedrelor stelate gen dodecaedru sau icosaedru.
Any unit used in the construction of a stellated polihedron can be transformed in an unit necessary for to build a tridimensional star without glue!!!
It is just about a simple mathematic application and followed by an work metodology about I tried these days to elaborate it in details.
I am surprised that this thing has not been mentioned by some authors of these polihedrons units!
In this article are presented some exemples:
( application of famous Paollo Bascetta unit)-an elegant star with a very strong connection
(application of a Tomoko Fuse unit with a little personal modification)-classic star through proportions,strong connection too!
( a "thin" star ,I don't know the author of the unit)-intresting expression through median liniature
(a model without to use an unit of somebody,just me here ,exploring the methodology of how to build 3D stars,seems to be used an application of the Laslo star unit,if I am not wrong!)
Daca esti interesat/interesata de a prezenta cateva aspecte ale acestei metodologii lasa un comentariu!
If you are intrested about some aspects of this metodology than let me a comment!
In acest caz de constructie se utilizeaza un numar de module dupa cate brate are starul!In this case you need a number of units as how many arms has the star!
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